Contact Murray Clarke at (404) 964-0003 or email

BlueStone Concrete Shades

Cobalt Blue Pigment does not always need to be used as a single pigment in concrete. As you can see, about 8 different colors are found in this BlueStone. Use Cobalt Blue Pigment, ideally BlueStone 11L747 as a base formula, usually in the 2.0 - 3.0% loading range. Then by adding various amounts of our Iron Oxides including Beige, Brown and Tan, you can shift the Blue color and make it much more subtle and natural in tone.

The beauty of using Cobalt Blue Pigment at 75% of the formula makes the concrete batch even MORE affordable. Only 3/4 of the batch cost is now Cobalt Blue Pigment. Much lower cost Iron Oxides are being used to shift the concrete color into all of the above Natural BlueStone Shades.

And of course we can help create the formulas. Contact Murray Clarke at (404) 964-0003 or email

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